Expectations and Conduct

Gym Rules and Guidelines

Member Conduct



If you're not sure, ask. No one in the club is ever going to put you down for wanting to be safe.
One person warming up while the other is preparing for competition can be dangerous for both parties.


Don't hog the floor during freeplay, stay on task during games, gather and put away any club equipment in a timely and organized manner

Bout Conduct

Scoring Actions:

Scoring actions are only ever with the blade of the weapon. Pommels, blows with the hands, blade grabs, tackles, etc. are not accepted fencing actions in THFA. As a general guideline, we’re doing fencing which means the blades of our swords are what touches our partners in the attempt to score the touch, and we shouldn't be trying to touch our partners’ blades with anything except our blades.  

Bouts done to emulate any elements that are constrained to armored combat sources; i.e. the inclusion of half-swording, wrestling, etc, must be explicitly agreed upon before the start of a bout, and are otherwise banned.

Scoring Targets, Off Target, and Banned Targets:

Our general convention is that scoring targets are the whole body above (and excluding) the knee, with banned targets of groin, back of head, feet, and spine. The area at and below the knee is by default off target. The default targets may be modified for individual bouts or games, and as fencer’s available kit allows. 

For example, if all fencers have knees, shins, and fencing britches, fencers may elect to have the entire leg on target. If instead fencers are fencing with exposed skin on the leg or without knee protection, the entire leg will be considered off target

Banned targets can never be made not-banned, with two exceptions: